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Astronomik UHC-E XT Clip-Filter for Canon EOS (APS-C) Cameras - Extra Thin

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Astronomik UHC-E XT Clip-Filter
for Canon EOS (APS-C) Cameras

This UHC-E extra thin (XT) clip-filter for Canon EOS APS-C cameras (see below for compatible models) is designed as an entry-level filter for photography of nebulae and comets. The UHC-E filter blocks the emission lines of sodium (Na) and mercury (Hg) street lighting and airglow, providing increased contrast to the targeted celestial objects. This extra thin clip-filter provides over 90% transmission between 465 nm and 530 nm and above 645 nm, which include the H-Beta, OIII, and H-Alpha wavelengths.

This extra thin photographic clip-in filter for Canon EOS cameras is best suited for use in conjunction with smaller aperture telescopes (under 5-inches/125 mm). While contrast enhancement is less than their standard UHC filter, it allows for a greater amount of transmitted starlight, making it especially suited for smaller apertures.

The Astronomik extra thin (XT) clip-filters for Canon EOS (APS-C) cameras measure only 0.3 mm (compare this to their standard 1 mm/2 mm total thickness filters). This extra thinness creates even greater image clarity, particularly for wide field imaging in astrophotography, minimizing vignetting compared with thicker filters. See a comparison of the 0.3 mm XT and the standard 1 mm filters in the "Product Attachments" section below.

This UHC-E XT clip-filter provides improved performance without affecting other camera functionalities, such as infinity focus, autofocus, exposure measurement, or image stabilization! The innovative and patented Astronomik clip-filter system makes this filter type particularly suitable for telescopes with low focal ratios, or in setups where filter drawers or wheels are not ideal (as when they would impact corrector lenses). Additionally, these filters act as dust covers, protecting the camera's sensor chip over long exposures.

About the Astronomik Clip-Filter System

Astronomik's innovative clip-filter system allows a variety of filter types to be attached to your camera without the need for tools or other modifications. Simply clip the filter into the base of the camera, between the mirror and lens, and reattach the lens. In addition, using these filters does not interfere with other functionalities of your camera such as infinity focus, autofocus, exposure measurement, and image stabilization control. The Astronomik clip-filter system is compatible with all lens types except Canon EF-S lenses.

Made in Germany, this extra thin (XT) filter is only 0.3 mm thick with laser-cut lenses and black anodized aluminum frames.

Compatible Cameras: Astronomik UHC-E XT Clip Filter

Note: Not suitable for cameras manufactured before 2003 and all varieties of the Canon EOS 1D and EOS M. Not compatible with Canon EF-S lenses.

The following Canon EOS models are suitable for Astronomik clip-in filters: 7D, 7D MkII, 20D, 20Da, 30D, 40D, 50D, 60D, 60Da, 70D, 77D, 80D, 90D, 100D, 200D, 300D/Digitial Rebel/Kiss Digital, 350D/Digital Rebel XT/Kiss Digital N, 400D/Digital Rebel XTi/Kiss Digital X, 450D/Rebel XSi/Kiss X2, 500D/Rebel T1i/Kiss X3, 550D/Rebel T2i/Kiss X4, 600D/Rebel T3i/Kiss X5, 650D/Rebel T4i/Kiss X6, 700D/Rebel T5i/Kiss X7, 750D/Rebel T6i/Kiss X8, 760D/Rebel T7i/Kiss X9, 800D, 1000D/Rebel XS/Kiss F, 1100D/Rebel T3/Kiss X50, 1200D, 1300D, 2000D, 4000D.