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WiFi Camera Control




The most popular WiFi Camera control series is without a doubt the ASIAIR from ZWO. Since its debut in 2018 this platform has continued to push the boundaries of what a small WiFi camera control system can do with its consistent improvements to software and hardware. An astronomy focused OS in an otherwise familiar DIY computer case no longer, this series has evolved significantly into a family of products designed to provide a simple but powerful control nexus for your mount, ZWO cameras, and other ZWO accessories!

As with most systems in this category, ZWO’s series of ASIAIR WiFi camera controllers are much more than just a convenient way to image without a laptop. On the hardware side of things, the ASIAIR devices all have power management and equipment connections covered, featuring industry standard 12V DC outputs and common connection methods as well. Multiple USB ports and on-board storage also come standard on these systems, making these truly some of the easiest WiFi camera controllers to integrate into your imaging system!

So just what sets these systems apart? Well we’ve assembled a list of the key differences below, along with our use-case recommendations!

What all the ASIAIR systems share however, is their easy-to-use interface and powerful software features! While dedicated astronomy camera, filter wheel, electronic focuser, and other accessory support is limited to ZWO’s ecosystem, using equipment from that ecosystem is a smooth, turn-key, experience. As for mount control ZWO has excellent support for not just their AM series mounts, but also solid support for many 3rd party mounts as well. On top of this equipment control is a fully-featured image capture suite — with great camera control, autoguiding, a digital planetarium with plate solve and sync that ensure your framing is perfect, image planning, live stacking, and even some on-board image processing — all in one polished package! To learn how to harness the full potential of these little red powerhouses see our ZWO ASIAIR Ultimate Guide.


Ikarus Technologies: StellarMate

Ikarus Technologies is no stranger to WiFi camera control, having already made a great astronomy focused OS and hardware solution previously. However, now they’re bringing the StellarMate system to new heights with two dedicated options that blend their excellent operating system with powerful hardware in pre-configured offerings!

StellarMate X and Pro

The StellarMate OS is a bit of hybrid of the most popular WiFi camera control options, sporting a Linux OS base with preinstalled software like the ASIAIR, but leaving it ultimately more accessible to the end user like with the Eagle. This open, powerful, but light operating system is what really makes the StellarMate line shine — as it allows the system to provide a high performance experience for just about any brand of camera, filter wheel, electronic focuser, mount, or other accessory that you may have, at a cost that is more accessible than some other open ecosystem options.

Elevating this experience is peace-of-mind you get buying a preconfigured option like the StellarMate X and Pro. This operating system comes packed with the software you need to find, center, autoguide, and image targets, meaning you can start capturing deep sky views right out of the box! These units can be controlled remotely in a number of ways — either in a remote desktop experience or an app — allowing you to pick the control system that works best for you. Both systems have all the ports you need to connect and communicate with your gear, but the Pro takes it a few steps further with extra USB ports, RCA plugs for dew heaters, GPS, DC power outputs, and more! When it comes to options to ‘do it all, for all hardware’ at a great price, it is hard to beat these two systems from Ikarus Technologies.

Shop StellarMate

PrimaLuceLab: Eagle

Where other manufacturers have focused on creating small, svelte devices with a tailored software experienced out-of-the-box, PrimaLuceLab has gone against the grain and created a “blank canvas” control center power plant with their Eagle series. If you’re looking for maximum customizability or power, look no further!

PrimaLuceLab Eagle5 XTM

While the Eagle series does not provide much in the way of preinstalled equipment control drivers or programs, that’s not to say it is a blank slate! Windows with remote desktop functionality comes installed from the factory, along with a control/ monitoring suite for the various ports on the device. From here you can install a whole host of popular imaging, device control, planetarium, post-processing, and guiding programs — or just about any other type of program you may need as what the Windows OS may lack in terms of efficiency compared to the Linux based option like the StellarMate and ASIAIR, certainly it makes up for in compatibility! Though we are seeing strides in other OS software development, there is no denying that at this point in time that Windows is the primary platform most astrophotography software is developed for, and so the range of options, support, and customizability is king on the PrimaLuceLab Eagle series.

Housing the plethora of ports, internal sensors such as GPS, and the more powerful hardware used in the Eagle line requires a larger footprint than some of the other popular WiFi control systems need. Accordingly, these devices can not be used with a findershoe connection, however PrimaLuceLab has added a generous number of mounting point locations to allow the Eagles to easily be connected to something like a V-series/ Vixen-style top rail. The input and output power connections are a non-standard format, and the power required to run these more resource intensive systems is a bit more than some Linux options, however the rest of the connections and requirements are otherwise fairly conventional. Even with these additional considerations however, the Eagle line still makes a compelling case for those looking for an easy to use and powerful WiFi control solution!

Shop Eagle

Software Bisque: Fusion

TheSky Fusion Control Unit is Software Bisque’s take on the WiFi camera control concept, which features a unique set of power connections, built-in simple display, and perhaps most notably the powerful software suite — TheSky Imaging Edition!

Software Bisque TheSky Fusion Control Unit

Powered by Ubuntu, TheSky Fusion Control Unit is resource and power efficient like the other excellent Linux based options available in this category. However unlike some of its popular stablemates, this device is not designed to sit in a findershoe, instead mounting to either V-style or D-style rail. This larger enclosure houses a GPS, WiFi, four USB 3.0 ports, an RS232 port, eight DC power outputs, an ethernet jack, an HDMI port, and most unique of all — a four-line OLED display! This display provides simple at-a-glance status information, and isn’t something seen on any other mainstream WiFi camera control offering. The Anderson Powerpole DC connectors are also unique, meaning powering your gear is not as plug-and-play as some other offerings, however the output of these ports is configurable.

The standout feature of the TheSky Fusion Control Unit perhaps is the inclusion of TheSky Imaging Edition. That’s not to say that the hardware is poor quality, but rather that Software Bisque’s TheSky is a very well regarded astronomy software suite. While this is the platform to control the incredible Software Bisque Paramount series mounts, it can also control a wide variety of mounts and equipment from other manufacturers. This suite includes a number of upgrades over the standalone TheSky Professional, including the normally-separate-add-on TPoint! This inclusion makes the already feature-rich and powerful TheSky Fusion Control Unit a standout option not only if you own a Paramount mount, but also if you’re looking for a larger WiFi camera control solution that includes some of the most powerful astrophotography software right out-of-the-box!

Shop Fusion

Further Options

With the wide range of astrophotography gear available, there are few more smaller and up-and-coming options that we wanted to mention!

iOptron iMate and Atik Base

The iMate system is iOptron’s first foray into the world of WiFi camera control systems, and they’re starting off strong with a tried-and-true Linux operating system based, findershoe mountable, compact design! With camera capture and device control software pre-installed, the iMate is another offering that is ready to use right out-of-the-box. With 32 GB of eMMC storage built-in, this system does have a more limited capacity compared to most other offerings, however it does feature a microSD card slot allowing you to add up to 64 GB of additional storage space if needed. This is also compatible with all major mobile and PC operating systems, allowing you to control your gear whichever way you prefer!

iOptron is also one of the first mainstream manufacturers to experiment with integrating a WiFi camera control system inside other astronomy gear, with their line of iMate powered strain wave mounts! Blending high tech control systems with cutting edge harmonic gearing, these mounts offer a seamless way to experience some of the best advances in astronomy technology.

For those interested in a more budget-friendly way to experience the StellarMate OS with DC power output options, look no further than the Atik Base! While not the most cutting edge design, this WiFi camera control system provides all the essential ports you’ll need to wirelessly control your astrophotography gear, as well as ST4 and DB9 ports for those in need of these autoguide or legacy equipment connections.

Shop iMate Shop Base

Which Wifi Control System Is Right For Me?

While most all WiFi camera control systems can serve as an advanced central nervous system for all types of imaging rigs, that's not to say some aren't better suited to certain builds, goals, and needs than others! To help steer you towards the correct device for your astrophotography system, we've listed the four main points you should consider when selecting a WiFi camera control system along with where the three most popular systems land on these crucial points!

How Much Freedom Of Choice Do You Want To Have Throughout Your Astrophotography Journey?
The Eagle gives you the ultimate amount of freedom moving forward, as it is running the Windows OS which receives priority in terms of compatibility and software development (classically and even up to right now). Following closely behind is the StellarMate and other systems running similar Linux-based solutions, which have programs and community-driven INDI drivers (which enjoy proprietary improvements in the case of the StellarMate line) that allow users to use a wide variety of equipment. Lastly there is ZWO’s ASIAIR line, which would limit further expansion to ZWO’s ecosystem; though as ZWO is often on the forefront of bringing new equipment and features to the mainstream (see: the device that basically made this category to begin with) this isn’t necessarily as constricting as it may sound.

How Much Set Up Are You Wanting To Put Into This?
In terms of being “ready to go” out of the box, the ASIAIR and StellarMate line of products are hard to beat. Both come with drivers, imaging software, a planetarium, and guiding software all already installed out of the box. The PrimaLuceLab Eagle on the other hand comes ready with the hotspot/ remote connection software installed and configured (like the ASIAIR and StellarMate), as well as a hub for control of the physical connections (like the ASIAIR), however installing drivers and imaging programs is entirely on the end user for the most part.

What Type Of Support Would You Like To Have?
Picking an objective best for this is a bit tricky, because the differing approaches taken here each has a strength and a weakness; and so it is down to which appeals to you personally. ZWO’s approach of keeping the ASIAIR focused on their ecosystem is great in terms of support - as it in-kind allows them to focus their support efforts on a limited number of products, which they have unparalleled insight on in terms of the innerworkings. However this also means that if you’re looking for support in terms of new or expanded features, you are going to have to wait until ZWO adds these in. Contrast this with the PPL Eagle and StellarMate, who keep their systems open to a wide variety of equipment that they have comparatively less insight into (save PrimaLuceLab’s limited line of great accessories), and consequently a bit more difficulty in supporting technically. That’s not to say they are bad in this department by any means - the Eagle is again based on the most popular OS that developers almost always first and foremost develop for, and the StellarMate works to improve upon the community INDI drivers to ensure compatibility. Where they shine in this category is by covering ZWO’s weakness here, as since they are running on an OS you have access to there are no constraints on you adding in programs/ features from other companies (which will almost all have support systems in place for these); with the Eagle perhaps having a bit of an edge here given the ubiquity of Windows in the consumer astro equipment/ software space.

Are You Concerned About Compatibility?
Well as ZWO manufacturers both the ASIAIR and the cameras, focusers, filter wheels and in some cases, mounts that work with it - they are able to integrate these very effectively. While locking yourself into this ZWO ASIAIR ecosystem is limiting, the compatibility inside that ecosystem is excellent. Now comparing this to Ikarus Technologies, who’s sole products are the StellarMate OS and systems, one might expect a suboptimal experience but this is not the case; as Ikarus has dedicated themselves to optimizing their software for many of the most popular astrophotography items from a multitude of brands. While also not “locking” you into a particular ecosystem of accessories. Making the Stellarmate, arguably a better choice for future proofed systems and something more likely to grow with you through your astrophotography journey. Similar to the Stellarmate, the Prima Luce Labs Eagle systems do not lock you into any brands ecosystem, feeling you up to choose the accessories you want. However, unlike the Stellarmate who develops drivers specifically for their system, above and beyond what the manufacturer provides, the Eagle systems again run a standard Windows operating system and therefore rely on each individual software manufacturer to develop and maintain their own drivers.

WiFi Camera Control FAQ: What You Need To Know

While WiFi camera control systems can help automate and simplify managing your dedicated astronomy camera and other astro-gear, their not (yet!) 100% 'set it and forget it' solutions, and so we've compiled some of the most common questions about these systems!

Are the ASIAIR and other WiFi camera control systems an easy way to get into astrophotography?

WiFi camera control systems can make getting into astrophotography simple, as most (but not all!) include software suites that cover all the essential functions — such as image capture, mount control, guiding, filter wheel and electronic focuser control — right out-of-the-box. This means that while there can be a bit of a learning curve to using the WiFi camera control system itself, there is no research into what drivers, equipment control systems, and supporting software programs/ plug-ins you might need. Just connect your gear, turn on the WiFi camera control system, and go!

How do I connect to these WiFi camera control systems?

This differs from WiFi camera control system to WiFi camera control system, however the basic process is as follows: install the dedicated control software on your computer or mobile device, power on the WiFi camera control system, connect your computer or mobile device to the wireless hotspot created by the WiFi camera control system, and then launch the dedicated control software. Some devices offer control software on multiple platforms/ OS’s, though some are more limited like the ZWO’s ASIAIR which only works with only Android and iOS app compatible devices.

Do you still need to polar align with the ASIAIR Plus, StellarMate, Eagle, etc.?

While today’s WiFi camera control systems are advanced (and are only getting smarter!), plate-solving and auto-guiding can only get you so far! If you are using your WiFi camera control system with an EQ mount, then you do still need to polar align. However a number of these systems include polar alignment tools out-of-the-box, or, in the case of the Eagle, easily work with popular 3rd party software solutions.

How do I guide with a WiFi camera control system?

Currently, WiFi camera control systems still require conventional guiding methods — via a separate camera connected to a guidescope or OAG, or an integrated guide chip on camera like the ZWO ASI2600MM Duo. Most systems come with guide software installed, or can install the excellent 3rd party guiding software PHD2.

What happens if my equipment is farther away than the WiFi camera control system's hotspot will reach?

Though most WiFi camera control systems offer a fairly wide wireless hotspot coverage area, there are times where it will not reach your preferred ‘command center’ location. If you anticipate that this will be an issue for your imaging location, then there are a few options that you can explore. If your home WiFi network reaches your gear, then some systems will allow you to connect to that and then allow you to control your equipment as long as your PC or mobile device is also on the home network — in the case of the ASIAIR, this is called ‘Station Mode’. In cases where your home wireless network does not reach, a WiFi mesh or Access Point can work to bridge the gap, however these may require technical know-how to set up. Some systems additionally offer the ability to be hardwired in, so if you’re able to run ethernet cable out to your imaging site these systems will allow you to control your gear from a compatible device on the same network.

How does a WiFi camera control system differ from a mini PC or a laptop?

While some WiFi camera control systems are technically close to being a mini PC — some, like the StellarMate X, being closer than others, like the ZWO ASIAIR line — they all offer distinct advantages over off-the-shelf mini PC or laptop solutions, in that they have either dedicated astronomy power ports/connectors, form factors, preinstalled software and driver packages, or some combination thereof. They all come with remote software solutions out-of-the-box as well, whereas mini PC’s and laptops require you to source (and usually pay for) these software solutions. Essentially, a mini PC or laptop can absolutely be turned into a wireless control solution, however it will be a more technically/labor involved process to begin to approach the functionality, utility, and seamless integration a WiFi camera control system provides right out of the box.

How do you power a WiFi camera control system in a remote location?

Most WiFi camera control systems run off the same 12V DC connections that other astronomy gear does, so a portable power supply system like the Apertura All Night Imaging Power Supply will work — and for devices that use a specific AC power supply solution, this excellent offering has you covered as well!

WiFi Terms To Know


Astronomy is the scientific study of space and the celestial objects within it. It also deals with the physical universe as a whole. Astronomy can be broken up into four subcategories: astrophysics, astrometry, astrogeology, and astrobiology. The study of astronomy has helped measure time, seasons, and navigation on Earth.


This refers to photography of astronomical bodies and phenomena. Astrophotography is not new, for example the popular T threading still used today harkens from Tamron’s T-mount developed for their 35 mm cameras - however it has seen a notable increase in popularity with improvements in cameras, mounts, filters, and software making astrophotography much more accessible. This is not limited to celestial bodies such as nebulae, planets, or galaxies either, as solar imaging is now more within the reach of the average consumer than ever before.


Autoguiding is a process which utilizes a smaller telescope, referred to as a guide scope, and an additional camera sensor, known as a guide camera, to assist your mount in its tracking precision. Alternatively, this can be achieved using an Off-Axis Guider (OAG), which is fitted within your primary imaging train. An OAG uses the light captured by your telescope and sends it to your guide camera via an internal prism. So, how does autoguiding actually work? Your guide camera will take a constant series of short exposures (typically 1-3 seconds each) that will then be analyzed by software. After the software selects the best guide star(s) to guide upon, the goal is to keep these stars as steady as possible from frame to frame. If there is a discrepancy in the positioning of the stars, the guiding software will communicate with the mount to make small adjustments to fix these tracking errors. While it may not be necessary for short exposure astrophotography such as planetary, lunar, or solar, autoguiding is highly beneficial for long exposure astrophotography.


Bluetooth devices contain certain hardware that allows transmission of data via an antenna. The discoverable device sends out signals that are then detected by the receiving device, and their connection allows a transfer of information. This association between devices is called a piconet, where short radio waves are communicated back and forth.

Dedicated Astronomy Camera

These cameras don’t look like what one traditionally thinks of when imaging a camera; instead taking the form of cylinders or pucks, with no physical controls, displays, or viewfinders to speak of. These require a computer or WiFi control device to take images, with more advanced models additionally requiring external power. What they give in return for all of these concessions is granular control over the sensor settings, increased sensitivity to wavelengths that more traditional cameras filter out, options for deBayered sensors (true monochrome), designs that easily connect with astronomy equipment, and in some cases cooling for increased performance.

Electronic Focuser (EF)

A device that replaces, or in some cases compliments, the stock focusing knob or mechanism with precise electronic motor. This motor can in some cases be controlled manually with a hand controller or buttons on the device, which can help prevent disturbing the users view when focusing; but more commonly these devices are now used to either focus the optics when the user is not present, automate focus when used in concert with a separate camera and software, or both.

Equatorial Mount

An equatorial mount is an astronomy instrument that features two axes of rotation: right ascension (RA) and declination (DEC). Equatorial mounts also feature an additional axis, called the polar axis, that these RA and DEC axes rotate about. This polar axis is to be lined up with Earth’s celestial pole to accurately counteract Earth’s rotation. These mounts are ideal for astrophotography applications, as the addition of a polar axis eliminates the issue of field rotation within captured images.

Filter Wheel

A device that is integrated into the imaging train to automate filter changes. These use a carousel (the wheel) that rotates filters into place, allowing users to easily create LRGB, SHO, or other color pallet images with monochrome cameras; or simply use different contrast and light pollution filters with a color camera.

German Equatorial Mount

A German equatorial mount is a specific type of equatorial mount created by Joseph von Fraunhofer in 1824. These mounts feature a design that places the telescope on one side of the declination axis, which is offset by counterweight(s) on the opposite end. The declination and right ascension axes meet each other within a T-joint. This T-joint is aimed at the north or south celestial pole, parallel to Earth’s axis of rotation, and rotates about this polar axis. With these three axes, these mounts are popular within the astrophotography community due to their ability to counteract Earth’s rotation without presenting field rotation within the captured images.

GoTo (Go-To) Technology

In simple terms, Go-To technology is a telescope mount’s ability to slew to an object in space. This process requires alignment with the night sky, and is achieved through correlation with the optics of the telescope and software. Alignment can be achieved a number of ways and is necessary in order to determine the pointing position of the telescope. The user can either calibrate their telescope with 1-3 well-known bright stars or planets, or can utilize plate solving if their software offers it. In plate solving, the field of view is compared to a database, and the software can then determine the exact positioning of the telescope. Plate solving is considered more accurate than star alignment, and is widely featured within the smart telescopes on the market today for accurate Go-To functionality.


Originally invented by the U.S. Department of Defense, this technology became fully functional in the United States in 1995. This radio navigation system utilizes satellites to provide the precise global position of GPS enabled devices. Out of the 31 GPS satellites orbiting Earth today, GPS receivers only need information from 4 GPS satellites to determine accurate location. Cell phones, computers, and endless other devices act as GPS receivers. GPS is helpful in astronomy and astrophotography by providing the imaging software with the correct time, date, and location, helping create a detailed image of what the sky should look like based on this information.

Guide Camera

A guide camera has the important job of assisting your mount with its tracking capabilities. It does this by capturing constant frames of the night sky, usually 1-3 seconds each, that are then sent to autoguiding software. The software analyzes the field of view, selects guide stars and determines their center of mass, then compares each incoming frame to this calculated center of mass. If any discrepancies are found between the captured frames, the software will then communicate with the mount to fix these errors.

Image Capture Software

Astrophotography image capture software are specialized pieces of software designed to operate your astrophotography equipment. There are plenty of options available, though some of the most popular ones are N.I.N.A, Astro Photography Tool, Sequence Generator Pro, and SharpCap, just to name a few. These applications have been designed to provide seamless imaging sessions, allowing extensive opportunities such as target selection, target framing, plate solving, autoguiding, image acquisition, camera cooling, automation, and plenty more.

Live Stacking

A process in which image stacking is done in real-time as images are captured, instead of after imaging has concluded. Most live stacking programs or features will allow users to apply calibration frames captured ahead of the main image capture sequence, allowing users to see an astrophotograph develop before their eyes.

Off-axis Guider (OAG)

As opposed to using a guide scope, off-axis guiders are fitted into the main imaging train itself, and utilizes the incoming light from the primary telescope for guiding. It achieves this via an internal prism that sends light into the guide camera. When using traditional guide scopes, these scopes can alter in position slightly through the night of imaging, causing the issue of differential flexure. But utilizing the main imaging rig’s incoming light, off-axis guiders eliminate this issue.

Operating System (OS)

The base system that all other software is built on top of. Common examples of computer operating systems would be Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux (Ubuntu, Debian, etc.); while mobile devices commonly use Android or iOS/iPadOS. While technically there are caveats and workarounds, for the most part software is operating system specific, hence this can be an important consideration when buying a WiFi camera control system, laptop, or mini PC. In the astronomy community Windows currently has the largest amount of software support, though advances are being made for Linux with things like the ASCOM equivalent INDI system.

Plate Solving

The process of plate solving involves software analyzing a captured frame and comparing the star patterns to a database to determine the exact pointing position of the telescope. This procedure is incredibly helpful in Go-To processes, allowing the user to slew directly to the desired object with the click of a button.

Polar Alignment

Polar alignment is the process of aligning a telescope mount’s polar axis with the Earth’s axis of rotation. By having these two axes parallel to one another, precise counteraction of the Earth’s rotation can then be achieved. While a typical process of equatorial mounts that have three inherent axes of rotation, a similar effect can also be achieved by utilizing an equatorial wedge with two-axis alt-azimuth mounts.


In order to complete an astroimage, it’s necessary to bring the captured frames into software to perform post process editing. This action varies for different types of astrophotography, though in general, it involves image stacking to reduce noise and remove artifacts, and image editing to enhance the captured detail and color.

RCA Port

Usually used to transmit audio or legacy video signals, this connector is used in the astronomy hobby to transmit power. Though currently 5.5x2.1 mm is much more common for power, this connector is still used with dew heater bands.

Sky Atlas

Sky Atlas is a digital planetarium created by ZWO for their ASIAIR and Seestar platforms. Digital planetariums are representations of the night sky as it appears at a certain time and location, generally synchronized to those of the user. This allows users to look for objects to observe/ image, usually showing a visual representation and technical information about the targets. In more advanced planetariums like the Sky Atlas and those included in most other smart telescope apps, GoTo functionality will be included to slew the user's telescope to whichever section of the sky they desire.


Software consists of programs and date used by a computer to complete certain tasks.


A method used to bring out what would otherwise be faint or invisible detail and contrast in an astrophotography image. When imaging a target, the longer an exposure is, generally the more faint detail will become visible. However as exposure time becomes longer several complications emerge - motion blur due to compounding small deviations or errors in tracking, increased sensor noise and glow, and overexposure of the bright areas of an image. Stacking mitigates these issues by combining a number of shorter exposure images, commonly called sub exposures, sub frames, or simply “subs”, into one image that effectively has a longer exposure time. The stacking process can further improve the resulting image with the use of calibration frames that help identify and compensate for visual artifacts introduced by the optics or sensor itself.


As the Earth is continuously spinning and in motion, the location of a celestial object in the sky moves over the course of a night. This becomes apparent during observation as a target moves out of view, and particularly observable in images as stars and objects quickly become a blur as exposure time and focal length increases. To compensate for this, computerized mounts and smart telescopes employ tracking techniques to keep the target centered in the optics. Depending on the motion style of the mount, the resulting image can vary. Alt-Az motion, popular in smart telescopes, keeps the object centered but can not compensate for its “spin” without what is known as a wedge. Accordingly these images lose information on the edges of the frame as they rotate out of view, leading to ever smaller, circular, images as time spent imaging increases.


Universal Serial Bus or USB is a protocol for data transmission, and is by far and away the most common way astronomy equipment will communicate with a PC in a wired capacity. There are a number of USB connectors, such as USB-A (the rectangular port you’re likely familiar with), USB-B, USB-C, and micro USB; as well as a number of different revisions (2.0, 3.0, 3.1, etc.) that have brought more speed, power, and reliability to the protocol.

WiFi (Wi-Fi)

Wi-Fi, sometimes shortened to just WiFi or wifi, is a protocol for wireless communication. Primarily it is used to transmit and receive data between a device (such as a smartphone, computer, smart TV, and an ever increasing number of other household devices) and a router or wireless access point that is connected to the internet. Communication with the internet is not the only function the Wi-Fi protocol is useful for, and indeed many of the aforementioned devices can communicate with each other locally using this protocol and the router as an intermediary. Increasingly this protocol has been used for more direct communication between two devices (like a smartphone and a smart telescope), with one creating its own access point or broadcast that both devices then send and receive data on. While this does have the disadvantage of disconnecting a device’s connection to the internet, it has become necessary to transfer large amounts of data quickly that otherwise exceed what Bluetooth can accommodate.

WiFi Hotspot

A method of establishing a connection between two devices, for example a mount or a WiFi camera control system and a PC/ mobile device. In this instance the host device (WiFi camera controller, mount, etc.) creates and broadcasts its own WiFi network, that another (PC or mobile device) connects to. From here the devices can communicate similarly to how a WiFi printer and PC connected to the same network do. This has the advantage of providing a high-speed connection, at the cost of disconnecting the connecting device from other local networks (and therefor, the Internet).