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Celestron Optical Tube Assemblies


Believe it or not, Celestron Optical Tube Assemblies are a very popular purchase here at High Point! Many amateur astronomers have a good equatorial mount and want to upgrade their telescope, either by increasing the aperture to delve deeper into the mysteries of the Universe or by choosing another telescope design altogether. Another reason many people have for buying an OTA is to put together their own custom telescope set-up. For instance, many people buy a Celestron EdgeHD OTA and mount it on a Losmandy G11 Equatorial Mount or a Software Bisque Paramount to create a premier imaging system.

Whether you are putting together your dream telescope or adding a second OTA to your equatorial system for flexibility (one for imaging, one for visual), High Point has a full line of Celestron optical tube assemblies to choose from in a multiple of sizes and styles. If you need help choosing a Celestron OTA for your telescope set-up, feel free to contact one of our non-commissioned product advisors! We are here to help!