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Camera Tracking Mounts


There are several accessories available for camera tracking mounts. Whether you need a tripod for your Star Adventurer, SkyTracker, or SkyGuider, or an equatorial mount or counterweight, you can find them all in our Camera Tracking Mount Accessories section.

For example, the Sky-Watcher Star Adventurer 2i Multi-Function Mount Astro Package has everything you need to track and image the Sun, Moon, planets, and stars. Besides the mount itself, it also comes with the Polar Scope with Illuminator and a Dec bracket to make any necessary adjustments in declination. And with built-in WiFi and a payload capacity of 10 pounds you’ve got the functionality you need to effortlessly capture stunning images of the sky - every time!

The iOptron SkyGuider Pro Camera Mount is small enough to fit in the palm of your hand, but that doesn’t mean it’s lacking in features. Besides an integrated rechargeable power source, ST-4 guiding port, and camera trigger port, the mount has four preset speed settings to track your target with precision. It’s also been designed to carry a maximum payload of 11 pounds, making it well-suited for all your equipment needs.

If you need help choosing the best Camera Tracking Mount or figuring out which accessories you need to suit your applications, feel free to contact one of our non-commissioned Product Advisors at High Point. Give us a call today at (800) 266 9590 for some impartial advice and information and we’ll help you find the tracking mount that exactly suits your needs!