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Tube Rings, Mounting Rings & Ring Sets


Upgrading your telescope’s mounting hardware is never a bad idea. Maybe your old rings are worn out, or you want a different adjustment mechanism. You might be ready for a more powerful finder scope and need new rings to match. Whatever the reason, we have a multitude of options.

If you’re shopping for finder scope rings, some things to keep in mind include the type and size of finder scope you have. Some finder scopes, like Explore Scientific’s Erect Image Illuminated Finder Scope, are right angle scopes that need special rings such as the Explore Scientific Right Angle Finder Scope Rings.

If you’ve recently acquired a high-end optical tube that doesn’t have a mount, you’ll need to look at tube rings like the Tele Vue 3” Ring Mount that fit the TV76 APO Refractor Telescope. As with finder scope rings, make sure the rings you choose for your optical tube are the right size!

Putting together your own setup from scratch can be a lot of fun, and rings are an essential part of the equation. If you have any questions, get in touch with our experts!