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PrimaLuceLab 10mm PLUS Spacers


PrimaLuceLab 10mm PLUS Spacers

There may be times when you add accessories and equipment to the mount and the equipment is too close together. Some of the elements may touch others and could cause damage or scratch the equipment. The PLUS 10mm spacers from PrimaLuce can be fixed between two mechanical elements, like the plate and the support rings, ensuring that there is space between the elements so they can function properly with touching.

The PLUS spacers have holes with 20mm of separation. This means that the spacers will work with PLUS Vixen dovetail bars and guide rings. It also has 55mm of separation for PLUS Losmandy dovetail bars. The holes can also allow other pieces of equipment by using the M6 screws that are 25mm in length. These longer M6 screws are included in the package.