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Astronomik H-Alpha 6 nm CCD Filter - 31 mm Round

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Astronomik 6 nm H-Alpha Filter - 31 mm

For CCD imaging with instruments as fast as f/3.5, the Astronomik H-Alpha 6 nm Filter is an excellent narrow emission-line filter. Not suitable for visual or solar applications. This filter offers complete blockage of all areas of the spectrum with the exception of h-alpha light from emission nebulae.

This Astronomik H-Alpha Filter has an FWHM of 6 nm, making it optimal for presenting maximum contrast between objects that give off h-alpha light such as emission nebulae, and the airglow background. While the 12 nm provides functionality analagous to the 6 nm, the latter offers higher contrast gain due to its reduced FWHM. As a result, some background stars will be dimmed or won't appear at all in the final image. This can be avoided simply by using both the 6 nm and 12 nm filters at the same time, allowing for maximum contrast in h-alpha objects while maintaining the visibility of the background stars in the resulting image.

Due to its complete elimination of mercury (Hg) and sodium (Na) emissions lines, the primary culprits of light pollution, the Astronomik 6 nm H-Alpha CCD Filter is a great option for imaging under severely light-polluted skies.

Please remember to NEVER use this filter for solar imaging or observing as permanent eye damage will be the result.