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Dew Shields - Not Heated


There are two main methods of dew prevention, and the most common involve the use of a non-heated dew shield. Most refractors already have one built into their tubes. Cassegrains, however, do not. Dew shields are the least expensive method and also the easiest to use. They can be flexible or hard and are available for most telescope sizes. While they cannot prevent the formation of dew completely, they help slow down the process and can buy you more observing or imaging time out under the stars. They also have the added benefit of being an ambient light blocker, helping prevent unwanted light from entering your telescope.

High Point Scientific carries many sizes of dew shields and offers them in both hard or flexible designs. Our team can help you choose the one that will best suit your needs and budget. Give our non-commissioned product advisors a call today, and they will be happy to help with any questions you may have!