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Telrad Reflex Sight Finder with Selectable Red and Green Illumination

(9 Available)
SKU: TRD-1001-2

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Telrad Finder with Selectable Red and Green Illumination

The Telrad Finder is a non-magnified finder with a large ring that projects a 0.5 degree, 2 degree, and 4 degree bulls eye when you look through it. In virtually all instances, when you look through the Telrad it appears as though the multi degree bulls eye is actually projecting on to the night sky which makes it very easy to hunt for your favorite night sky objects.

This version of the Telrad uses two color LED lights, which can be switched between red and green. These two options help users gain better contrast against the viewing background. This Telrad requires two AA batteries to function.

Whether you have a Dob or computerizes telescope, the Telrad Finder is a perfect and essential finder. For Dobsonian telescopes, it makes star hopping so much easier. With Go-To telescopes because it assists in the accuracy of centering stars during the two star alignment process that many of today's Go-To telescopes use.

The Telrad Finder is simple to use and has been a top recommended accessory for years. We always recommend the Telrad Finder to our customers because it makes object locating much easier. You can transfer The Telrad to multiple telescopes by unlocking the finder from its base and mounting it on a different telescope with a separate base. The Telrad is 8"long and weighs 11 ounces. Extra Telrad Bases are sold separately.