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The Telrad Finder will not magnify your view of the sky, an important distinction to consider. When you look through the Telrad finder, you will see a large ring that projects a 0.5 degree, 2 degree, and 4-degree bullseye. In virtually all instances when you look through the Telrad, it appears as though the multi-degree bull's eye is actually projecting onto the night sky. This makes it very easy to hunt for your favorite night sky objects.

Mounting the Telrad is easy and effortless. Double stick tape locks onto your telescope, ensuring the finder will stay mounted. The Telrad is easy to align and is powered by two AA batteries. You can also transfer The Telrad to multiple telescopes by unlocking the finder from its base and mounting it on a different telescope with a separate base.

You will also find crucial Telrad accessories so you can enjoy easy object finding for years to come. You will see replacement parts, riser bases, dew shields, and more. It is important to consider a dew shield for your Telrad finder to protect the optics from moisture. Not only will it allow you to use the Telrad Finder for longer sessions, but it will also prevent your finder from being subjected to wear and tear.