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Microscope Accessories


From simple organisms to bird and lizard cells, you’ll be amazed by how intricate something so small could be. These prepared slides are a great tool for the teachers in the classroom, allowing students to get hands-on experience studying cell structures from vegetables, humans, and other living organisms.

One popular option is the Konus Lizard Snakes and Bird Slide Set. It includes ten pre-prepared slides and features lizard, adder, goose, duck, turkey, and chicken specimens.

If you’re looking for more variety, try the Celestron Prepared Microscope Slide Set. It has 100 slides with a wide range of specimens, from bacteria, chromosomes, and lichen to mosquitos, fish, and rats, making this the perfect choice for anyone who wants to learn more about the organisms that occupy the natural world around us.

Not sure where to begin? Our non-commissioned product experts are happy to help you get the most out of your microscope. Give us a call today at (800) 266 9590 for some impartial advice and information and we’ll help you find the microscope accessories that exactly suit your needs!