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Solar & Lunar Eclipses

High Point Scientific sells telescopes and accessories, and we are committed to providing everyone with the guidance needed when going out on a fantastic cosmic adventure. Experience the mesmerizing interaction of the moon, sun, and Earth in stunning displays of astronomical beauty.

Eclipse is a phenomenon that had been subject to superstitions and myths until the Lunar eclipse was mentioned in the Chinese book Zhou-Shu, a book of the Zhou Dynasty discovered in 280 AD. On the other hand, astronomer Johannes Kepler scientifically described solar eclipse in 1605. Check out more incredible facts about solar and lunar eclipses in our Astronomy Hub.

Learn the subtle distinctions between nature's two remarkable phenomena and fully educate yourself to enjoy the enchanting interplay of celestial bodies.

solar eclipse

Solar Eclipses

Take in the breathtaking sight of a solar eclipse, in which the moon subtly blocks the sun and casts a shadow across the planet. Witness a mystical movement of light and shadow as the sun's corona appears. Partial and annular solar eclipses, where the sun appears as a ring, are also remarkable events.


Witness the mesmerizing lunar eclipse as the Earth's shadow casts a deep reddish-brown shadow on the moon's surface. In contrast to solar eclipses, lunar eclipses are a genuinely global phenomenon since they can be seen from anywhere on Earth throughout the night. The moon takes on a reddish hue during a total lunar eclipse, often called a "blood moon," due to the scattering of sunlight through Earth's atmosphere.


Remember that every astronomical event is a unique chance to establish a connection with the universe. With the correct telescope and accessories, you may enhance your experience and discover new aspects of celestial wonders, whether you're drawn to the ethereal grandeur of a total solar eclipse or the subtle nuances of a lunar eclipse.

Owning a telescope or binoculars equipped for solar and lunar observations opens the door to immersive celestial experiences. Witnessing the intricate details of sunspots, the phases of the moon, and the drama of an eclipse adds depth to your astronomical journey.

Check out our carefully chosen selection of telescopes, solar filters, moon filters, and other accessories to be ready for your upcoming eclipse-chasing adventure. Viewing the eclipse can be exciting but should be done with utmost safety and careful planning.


Eclipse Viewing Tips

    1. Protect Your Eyes: Prioritize eye safety over all else. Be cautious, use proper filters, and educate others around you about safe viewing practices.

    2. Check Timings: Stay informed about your region's solar and lunar eclipse timings. Plan your viewing sessions accordingly, considering factors like time of day and geographical visibility..

    3. Photography Preparations: If you plan to photograph an eclipse, practice with your equipment beforehand to ensure optimal settings and focus..

    4. Educate and Share: Spread awareness about safe eclipse viewing practices. Encourage others to join the celestial festivities while emphasizing the importance of eye protection.

    Timeless moments can be captured with a telescope or camera equipped with eclipse-ready gear.

    Select gear that can adjust to celestial events. Your investment is adaptable and guarantees you are ready for any astronomical phenomenon.